Friday, 1 April 2011

Cheering Committees

It's been a while since I last posted.  Not that I haven't wanted's just my amazing ability to get waylaid, distracted, excited by so much creative STUFF on the net has prevented me from blogging.  It goes like this.  First I find myself incredibily excited, jumping into that glittering sea of creative talent that one after another creative types generously share, furiously writing notes, printing good ideas, flying to site after site, not pausing for breath as I find gem after gem.  Next I find a seed of doubt creeping into my meagre little efforts at art, writing, coaching and all round general creativity...inner critic stuff swims before my eyes, self sabotage is waiting in the wings to chuck their two pence worth in, I know what's happening but can's seem to prevent it from playing out it's star role.  Exhausted, my body goes on strike, my mind won't join it and exhaustion sets in.  And so the cycle is complete.

Soon it will begin again, my naughty creative nymphs are patiently waiting for the next new pattern to restart....How do we break these debilitating cycles?  By taking a small step and some ACTION would do it...hence this new post!

We have to learn to STOP.  We need to say ENOUGH.  We must look at what's absolutely vitally important to ourselves.  Vital as water, air and food.  What makes us come ALIVE.  What creatively helps us STAY alive and what can we absolutely not live without?  Scribble it all out, get those must haves on paper, in your journal, on a canvas...then pick 3.   Which is most important?  What will make the most difference to your life?  What will make you sparkle inside?  Pick the ONE that you can work with now, today not next year. NOW.

What small step will you take to begin to birth that idea, that dream, that deep deep longing?  Who will help you?  Who will give you support?  What will help you?  Kate Johnson who is a lovely inspiration wishingstone.wordpress,com  and writes beautifully.inspired me yesterday. yesterday.

Also this girl does fabulous sketches to inspire us

Trust Is...

They're a couple of new people I've decided to put on my cheering committee.  This post was originally about cheering committee's.  As blogs have a habit of doing, it morphed.  I needed to do a bit of pre-new blog post explaining BEFORE I  do my new CHEERING COMMITTEE blogpost!  So that's it for today.  Small step taken - post set for new post tomorrow.  My blog is morphing into something I am not sure about but I will take the heartful words that were sent to me yesterday by one of the most amazing women I know and they were:
 (David Whyte poetry) 
(Sent from my friend Meg Robinson  She has a gorgeous house in the mountains in Spain & guides you gently through your stuff

"Here are a few lines I jotted down , as always we hear what we need to hear" 

“... apprentice yourself to yourself...”

“...stay in this place ( of unknowing) until the current of the story is strong enough to float you out....”  “...Become the source that makes the river flow....”

(She added "Don’t you just love when somebody really clarifies something for you, or illuminates where you’re at when you can’t see the geography of the challenge ?")  Well, she clarified for me what I could do in the midst of my creative chaos...and I like his words.  They resonate.  So until tomorrow's post which will be about cheering committees..I will leave you to ponder....

As ever comments are always graciously delightfully tickled pink received.

For all the news on retreats, soul coaching and groups visit


Drawn by a Star said...

Oh the bliss of synconicity ! Your feedback to my blog was a real aura bora alis, it encouraged me so much when I was in a confused place. I love your writing and your glittery sparky life enhancing energy.
Abrazos querida hermanita !

Kristin Noelle said...

So glad to have discovered YOU, too! Thank you for your kindness!

Detta said...

Gosh I didn't realise how fast April has gone by! Thnak you Meggie moo moos! Kristin I LOVE your sketches! thank you both x D