I am however, deeply grateful to see Mr Gorgeous again and jump into bed each night to feel safe, secure and loved in his heartfelt embrace. I am looking forward to seeing some of my lovely customers who buy my little artful treasures on Ely Craft and Collectible Market.
And I am really looking forward to seeing my lovely mum who has been very poorly in hospital, she is on the mend but we are very lucky she is still with us. It makes you realise how important our loved ones are. I had a great conversation this morning with my best friend Aunt D who I love more than life itself and I am in deep gratitude that I was able to sit and natter with her for well over an hour in the comfort of my little dolls house barn in Burwell amongst the trees and in the fens. I'm also looking forward to reconnecting with some of my very close friends who have always loved and supported me in whatever I have endeavoured to do, they are few but very precious and best of all I am so excited to be seeing my son Dan Canham's latest production which has had wonderful reviews and is a tender and soul reaching piece of musical dance theatre entitled Ours Was The Fen Country which by all accounts is really touching peoples souls. He is a treasure and a delight and I am so looking forward to seeing that next week and him of course!
So all in all I am blessed and grateful to be so lucky to be able to live and work in both countries, the fantastic and amazing wild crazy island of Kefalonia and the slow fenland pace of Burwell with my little barn and the sounds of the fen swirling all around me. Of course I make sacrifices in order to do this, and live extremely mindfully, carefully and artfully in order to have enough money for the bare basics sometimes. I appreciate this would not be a way of living for everyone but it is for me, and with the small amount I earn from my artwork here in the UK and the small amount I earn from my Breathe In Space retreats in Kefalonia and (a few one offs here) I can manage to get to spend time in both places and enjoy the things that are really important to me. So I am managing just, to do what I love; making art, living some of the time on a Greek Island, meeting lovely people at the UK art and craft fairs whilst appreciating all that nature has to offer in the way of clear blue seas, black night skies, twinkling lantern stars, baby goats at my door and the deep rich soil of the fen as it whispers its stories for me to write my small stone poems and blog posts like this one.
Yes, both my spaces give me a place to breathe, time to reflect, a space to create and the chance to clear my mind of the inconsequential, the unimportant, the mundane and the no longer needed stuff to make room for the hopeful stuff, the mindful moments, the sparkly opportunities that wait in beckoning wings, the glittery moments and the happy dots that make up this feeling of wonderful abundance. I have peace...I am lucky. I am loved and bit by bit each day I know I am enough. I have made friends with my imperfect bits, the saggy parts, the wrinkled places and I smile more these days, I belly laugh more, I giggle a lot. I know what is important. I am thankful for that knowledge. I am on a journey of self healing, self love and making life as beautiful as I can for both me and all that step into my little sparkly circle of love and abundance. What do you know now that you always did know but just didn't remember? I'd be interested to hear from you :-) xx Big love and sparkles as always x
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